Want to learn more about Brella? Please see below for the most common questions and their answers.
Are you an adult that wants to sweat less or be less bothered by your underarm sweat? Do you find yourself reapplying deodorant throughout the day or steering away from white/light colored shirts because of the potential for breakthrough sweat? If you answered yes to any of these, you may be a Brella candidate.
Brella is the first-and-only SweatControl Patch FDA-cleared to significantly reduce excessive underarm sweating due to primary axillary hyperhidrosis after a single in-office treatment.
Brella is for most people, but not all.
If you are interested in Brella and have questions about your eligibility, please talk to your aesthetic clinician
Brella is proven to significantly reduce excessive underarm sweating after a single treatment with results lasting three to four months.*
Yes, Brella works on all skin types and is proven to be safe and well tolerated.
Brella is for any adult, regardless of race or gender, who is consistently bothered by their underarm sweating.
The Brella SweatControl Patch consists of a sodium sheet with an adhesive backing. When the Patch is applied to the underarm, the sodium comes in contact with the water in your sweat, generating heat. The heat precisely targets your underarm sweat glands to significantly reduce sweat production.
Brella is a quick, comfortable, and straight-forward in-office treatment. Treatment time depends on how much and how quickly you sweat, so more sweat may require less treatment time. The goal is to deliver both a safe and efficacious treatment, so it is critical to let your aesthetic clinician know how you are feeling while the Patch is applied. If you begin feeling a burning sensation, an “ouch”, or a pain level of 7 or higher out of 10 while the Patch is on, immediately let your clinician know, and they will remove it. Only one underarm is treated at a time.
Because the treatment is tailored to your individual needs, total time in-office varies but is typically around 20 minutes for entire appointment.
It is normal to feel tingling, stinging, prickly, or warming sensations where you are actively sweating. This may only be in only a few pinpoint areas; every patient sweats differently. If you begin feeling a burn or burning sensation, an “ouch”, or a pain level of 7 or higher out of 10, immediately let your aesthetic clinician know, and they will immediately remove the Patch.
Many patients experienced results within a few days after a single Brella treatment. What most patients report is that things that bothered them about their sweating (for example, having to re-apply deodorant or antiperspirant during the day, sweating through clothing or worrying about wearing light colored shirts) improve with Brella. Your clinician will provide a short questionnaire to help identify and track these items.
It is important to understand that this treatment reduces underarm sweating; it will not stop sweating completely, so if you exercise or are in a hot/muggy climate, you may still sweat in your underarms.
Following a Brella treatment, you could expect:
There is little to no downtime after a Brella treatment, but the area may be sensitive immediately post treatment.
This is called compensatory sweating and it is a common side effect of treatments for excessive sweating. It is not expected to be a common side effect with Brella, but it could happen. As results from a Brella SweatControl Patch treatment lasts 3-4 months, if compensatory sweating occurs, it is expected that it will also be temporary.
If your underarms feel irritated or tender, wait until that resolves. Otherwise, you can resume your normal hair removal, deodorant, or antiperspirant use after the treatment.
Brella works for up to 3 to 4 months and sometimes longer in all skin types…Bravo Brella!
1) | For complete prescribing information, see device instructions for use. |
2) | Glaser DA, Green L, Kaminer M, Smith S, Pariser D. Outcomes from the SAHARA Clinical Study on the TAT Patch for Excessive Axillary Sweating or Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Late-breaking oral presentation at: American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting; March 17-21 (presented March 18, 10:10 am CT), 2023; New Orleans, Louisiana. |
3) | Data on file, Candesant Biomedical |
4) | Candesant Patent https://candesant.com/patents/ |
5) | Jacob C, Green J. Quality of Life Improvement shown during SAHARA Clinical Study on the TAT Patch for Excessive Axillary Sweating or Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Presentation abstract for Cosmetic Boot Camp (CBC) conference, June 22-25, 2023, Aspen, Colorado |